Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Practice does *not* make perfect

If you're a musician, you know the drill: practice is everything. Without practice, you're not a musician. Hours are spent trying to perfect techniques, and the only way to do that is through repetition.

Practicing is how a musician solidifies their memorization of a piece, finalizes musical nuances, captures the flavor of the notes, etc. etc.

However, just going through the motions isn't enough. Practicing something wrong does not lead to improvement. It only strengthens the habit of playing something wrong.

In order to improve, active listening is required... which is easier said than done. It's too easy to lose yourself in sound rather than analyzing what works best for the piece.

Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Watched the first disc of the first season of Supernatural in one sitting last night.

Afterwords, I remembered why I put off watching it for so long. I'm a wimp. And I got scared. Reeeaaaally scared.

As in sleeping with the lights on scared. Lol.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Song: Free Falling

So about this new song... it's titled "Free Falling" and it was inspired after watching the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy "Push," namely Lexi and her relationship with Mark Sloan.

It was so heart wrenching watching Lexi breakdown over Mark... I actually rewinded and watched the scene a few times.

I've had part of the piano section written for a couple of weeks, but just couldn't find the right tone for the lyrics. That scene was like lightening striking. And the song took off.

I think I've finalized most of the lyrics (need to let it sit and marinate first), and I'm starting to work on the bridge.

I'm so excited about this song, and can't wait to finish it so you guys can hear it!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

tumbling through life

For anyone interested, I got a tumblr account:

... and.... I have another new song in the works! So yay me!! :D